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of the Russian Philosophical Society
No. 2 (50) 2009
(256 p.)

We hereby announce publication and circulation of the Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society No. 2, 2009 (Editor-in-Chief, Professor A. N. Chumakov; Executive Secretary, Professor N. Z. Yaroschuk). The opening Editor’s Column, titled A Journal That Is Something More Than Just a Journal, summarizes the Bulletin’s first fifty issues.

Our traditional column Information from the RPhS Regional Branches and Organisations includes materials about the discussion of the members’ internships in other countries at the Don Philosophical Society; the two recent meetings of the philosophical seminar in the Nizhegorod RPhS Branch; the Symposium on The Society of Risks and the Crisis of Post-industrialism at the Chernyshevsky State University in Saratov; the scholarly activities of the Stavropol RPhS Branch; the Russian National Conference on the Topical Issues of Scientific Philosophy at the Perm State University.

See News from the Moscow Philosophical Society for information about the MPhS general meeting.

Events and Comments inform about the meeting of the RPhS members with the distinguished Italian philosopher Evandro Agazzi at the RAS [Russian Academy of Sciences] Institute of Philosophy; the undergraduate workshop within the framework of the Days of Science at the I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University (Cheboksary); the international workshop on Problems of Teaching Philosophy at Two-Level (Bachelor/Master) Institutions at the Russian Government’s Financial Academy (Moscow); the Tenth International Symposium on Dialogue of World Views: The Collective Sociohistoric Memory and Contemporary Challenges in Nizhny Novgorod; the latest International Sagadeyev Readings on The Humanistic Ideals of Islamic Culture at the Russian Friendship of Peoples University (Moscow); the activities of the Nizhegorod Philosophy Club; the philosophical discussion club SCHOLA at the Far-eastern State Transportation University (Khabarovsk); the activities of the young intellectuals’ philosophy club Epoché in Makhachkala; the role games encouraging the study of philosophy at V. Vernadsky Tauris National University (Simferopol).

Read Problems of Teaching Philosophy for On the Philosophy of Education by Pr. V. S. Grekhnev (Moscow) and  Ob the Principal Limitations of Tests by Pr. V. A. Ignatiev (Ryazan).

Managing Education: Contemporary Approaches present Low-Quality Goods by Pr. A. M. Rutkevich (Moscow) and Ethical Code for Philosophy Workers? By Pr. R. G. Apresyan (Moscow).

To learn about Scholarly Life in the Near Abroad read Enlightenment as a Global Phenomenon by N. K. Mamedov, CandPhilos. Sc. (Baku, Azerbaijan); Multilinguism as a Precondition for the Dialogue of Cultures by Ass. Pr. B. B. Aryngaziyeva (Shymkent, Kazakhstan); The World Crisis in the Mirror of Spiritual Values and National Priorities by Pr. Ya. S. Yaskevich (Minsk, Belarus); Man. World. Society (on the conference in Kiev commemorating the 175th anniversary of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University) by L. V. Vedmetskaya, undergraduate student (St. Petersburg).

A Topical Issue is discussed in The Fate of Man by Pr. A. A. Krushanov (Moscow).

See Raising an Issue for The Fundamental Science in the Light of the Reviewed Philosophical and Methodological Principles by Pr. A. N. Arlychev (Moscow).

This issue’s Important Talk is by Pr. G. N. Gumnitsky and Pr. M. G. Zelemtsov (Ivanovo) on The Notion of Freedom: The Ontological, Epistemological and Psychological Aspects.

Civil Society presents What Kind of Civil Society Does Russia Need? by Pr. M. I. Bilalov (Makhachkala).

Standpoint presents Thoughts on Philosophical Mentality by Pr. M. A. Shenkao (Cherkessk).

Published By Way of Discussion are The Possibilities and the Impossibilities of Religious Existentialism by Pr. A. N. Fatenkov (Nizhny Novgorod); Returning to Marz by Pr. Tsann-kai-si and L. S. Andreyeva, CandPhilos. Sc. (Vladimir); The General Sociological Law of Border Utility by Pr. A. G. Pyrin (Moscow); The Sobornost/Phenomenological Search for Philosophical (Universal) Ideology by Pr. V. I. Kholodny (Moscow); The Development of the Idea of Unconditioned Knowledge in Thinking by Ass. Pr. V. D. Ruta (Moscow); Theosophy and the Live Ethics by L. V. Fesenkova (Moscow); The Factor Analysis of the Sociopedagogical Reality by G. Yu. Belyayev, CandPedag. Sc. (Moscow).

Read From the History of Russian Philosophy for The Liberal Doctrine of Law as Reflected in the Scholarship of A. F. Losev by V. P. Pozdnyakov, CandJurid. Sc. (Moscow); One Hundred Years After (commemorating the anniversary of Materialism and Empiriocriticism by V. I. Lenin) by Pr. M. M. Prokhorov (Nizhny Novgorod).

See Philosophy of Culture for Photography – Philosophy – Form by Pr. T. V. Kuznetsova and I. I. Rusyak (Moscow).

The Chinese Philosophy Page presents Reflections on the Methodological Issues of the History of Philosophy by Pr. Phan Zun (Peking) and The Peasant Community and the Russian Society by Ass. Pr. Zhao Yan (Peking).

Read History and Philosophy of Science for On the Question of Scientific Worldview by Pr. Ye. M. Kovshov (Samara); The Sociophilosophical Problems of Science byAss. Pr. A. S. Kucheruk (Moscow); The Diversity of Science-Based Theoretical Approaches and the Constructiveness of Philosophy by R. M. Tovmasyan (Moscow).

Read Global Studies for the review of the International Congress Global Studies – 2009: Ways Out of the Global Crisis and Models of New World Order at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the new research project Who Is Who and What Is What in Global Studies.

Read Polemics for Euthanasia as a Complex Problem by Pr. V. A. Rybin (Chelyabinsk).

Philosophy of Preservation of National Health presents The Philosophy of Preservation of Life and Health of the Nation by Pr. Yu. M. Khrustalyov (Moscow) and For the Philosophy of Health Medicine by Ass. Pr. Z. A. Kuliyev (Moscow).

See Philosophy of Business for an interview with A. Stepanets, Chairman of the Project Commission, Youth Branch, Innovative and Technological Development Club; and Private Person as a Counterpoint of Market and Culture by L. A. Bulavka, D. Philos. Sc. (Moscow).

Read Pursuing the Topic for The Open Letter by editors of philosophy journals criticising the Higher Attestation Commission’s attitude to journals that publish papers by prospective degree holders.

See Discussion for the rejoinders by Pr. M. M. Prokhorov and A. B. Shulyndina (Nizhny Novgorod) concerning the recent publication of Do Scholars Need Truth? (RPhS Bulletin 2009:1).

Feedback presents analytical reviews of RPhS Bulletin 2009:1 by an independent observer Pr. V. F. Druzhinin (Moscow) and S. S. Peruansky, CandPhys. & Math. Sc. (Moscow).

Read the Young Philosopher’s Page for Causality: Dialogue Between M. Heidegger and W. Heisenberg by P. A. Verevskaya, postgraduate student (Rostov-on-Don); Do Ecologocal Risks Exist? by V. S. Losev, postgraduate student (Saratov); The Computer Work in the Postindustrial Society by V. S. Gritsenko, undergraduate student (Perm).

Philosophy in the Internet presents The Dual Nature of the Internet by Ass. Pr. M. V. Polukhina (Yekaterinburg).

See New Journals for information about The Bulletin of the Volgo-Vyatsky Academy of Public Service and Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, a journal published by the Institute of Philosophy, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Read Philosophers Joke Too for humorous miniatures by poet Vasily Fyodrov.

On the Poetic Page read verses by Anatoly Yabbarov (Moscow).

Philosophical Prose presents short stories by Elena Tsaryova (Kursk) and Fyodor Selivanov (Tyumen).

Read Useful Information about the round table on Philosophy of Science: Problems of Development and Teaching to be held in Rostov-on-Don; the international conference on Overcoming Corruption (Moscow – Kiev) and the forthcoming book on this issue; the interuniversity workshop on Contemporary Youth: Problems of Forming Civic Identity to be held in Grozny; the interuniversity conference on Professional Adaptation in Teaching Philosophical Disciplines to be held in Ivanovo.

Mentioned as Noteworthy is information about the forthcoming publication of papers presented by the Russian participants of the 22nd World Congress of Philosophy; the Crimean Project Philosophgy and Literature.

See also book reviews, annotations, book announcements, information about books and journals available at the RPhS Presidium, doctoral (14) and candidate (65) dissertations in philosophy defended in the second quarter of 2009.

Published also are letters of congratulations on jubilees and other notable events in philosophers’ lives.

Read also requirements for the RPhS membership for 2009. Like in other issues of the Bulletin it is explained that the Russian Philosophical Society counts as its members only those who have paid the yearly membership fee and have been consequently included in the current year membership list. They henceforward enjoy all the privileges of the Society members, including subscription to the RPhS Bulletin. Full membership lists are published yearly in RPhS Bulletin No. 3 for the year in question.

The Bulletin’s subscription index in the Rospechat Catalogue is 79643. Please, send your e-mail messages addressed to the RPhS Presidium and the RPhS Bulletin Editorial Board to or Our Internet websites are;;; To contact the Editors, please, call (495) 609-90-76 or (495) 697-92-98.

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