Dear It
gives us immense pleasure to bring to your kind notice that Federation
Internationale des Societies de Philosophie [FISP], in its meeting of Comité directeur
[Steering Committee] held in Hanoi on 4th June 2006 has decided to
hold an INTERIM World Philosophy Congress at New Delhi during December 15-17,
2006 together with Member Societies of FISP from India. The
theme of the Congress will be Philosophy in the Emerging Age of Global
Society. We,
the Member Societies of FISP from India, therefore, cordially invite all the
FISP Member Societies and their respective constituent members to please
participate in the above mentioned INTERIM World Philosophy Congress at New
Delhi during December 15-17, 2006. The participants are expected to arrive on
14th and stay till 20th December 2006 as on 18th
and 19th December 2006 some excursions are being organized to
visit Agra, Jaipur and Udaipur etc. to see Taj Mahal and some other old and
magnificient heritage structures. In
conformity with the main Theme of the FISP INTERIM Congress the following
themes have been decided for holding Plenary Sessions: 1.
Global Society for Peace and Progress: Problems and Prospects 2.
Science, Technology and Economy in shaping Global Society 3.
Art, Literature and Ethics for unity of mankind It
is also proposed to hold the following Symposia on the themes listed below: 1.
Future of Civilization in the Post-Modern World 2.
Buddhism and Social Order 3.
Is Philosophy Regional or Global? 4.
Philosophy and Quality of Life in the Post-Modern World The
following Sections have been identified for contributed papers: 1.
Ethics, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Value 2.
Ontology, Epistemology and Phenomenology 3.
Social and Political Philosophy: Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights 4.
Philosophy of History, Culture and Religion 5.
Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Cognitive
Sciences 6.
Philosophy in Asia and the Pacific areas 7.
Philosophy in Euro-Asian World 8.
Philosophy of the New World: North and 9.
Philosophy of Africa and the The
papers/abstracts may be sent at the following e-mail addresses: iwpc2006@vsnl.net; csc@del2.vsnl.net.in; cscdelhi@bol.net The entire academic programme is
being put on our website. The web address will be communicated separately. The details for accommodation will
be available on website. For further queries, if any, please contact: Mr. Sreekumaran S. Admn.-cum-Accounts
Officer FISP Interim World
Philosophy Congress Darshan Bhawan, 36
Tughlakabad Institutional Area New Delhi – 110 062
(India) E-mail: iwpc2006@vsnl.net;csc@del2.vsnl.net.in; With
our best wishes and regards, Yours
sincerely, |
D.P. Chattopadhyaya Chairman International Programme/ Academic Committee |
Bhuvan Chandel Chairperson Organizing Committee & Vice-President, FISP |
Foto: G. Greshner |