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Full text of the report in Russian


Agoshkova Elena.

Epistemological Corpus of Science.

Agoshkova Elena. Epistemological Corpus of Science. // XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. Abstracts. P. 14.


Having accepted the heritage of the Greek “phisikoi”, the science is increasing the knowledge faster then are recognized the consequences of it’s application. This gives the demand of the full conditions unit, when the theoretical knowledge can receive the interpretation and can be realized in artifacts. The problem of blind-spots search in methodology became the task of the second part of XX century. As a result appeared the deepened classical principles of cognition and were designed the new ones.

Uniting of all the basis in joint epistemological corpus is the most important task of the modern philosophy of science. In the report are observed the fundamental principles, which constitute the basis of epistemological corpus:

- The abstraction principle in depth understanding of the theory as a structure of abstractions.

- Leibniz - Heidegger principle of sufficient reason in terms of its connection to the systems paradigm.

- The systems principle in the meaning of the system as a universal link form of the things being reasoned and the reasons, as a universal form of object representation.

- The intervality principle, which determines the theory limits through the abstraction interval characteristics based on the concept of “abstraction interval”.

Is established the logical connection the above mentioned principles, which form the type of productive thinking both on the way to knowledge, and on the life way.


Key words

limits of cognition, epistemological corpus of science, fundamental principles of cognition, abstraction principle, structure of abstractions, principle of sufficient reason, systems principle, intervality principle, abstraction interval, developing thinking.